Factors affecting the service life of the UPS power supply and daily maintenance methods
The service life of the UPS uninterruptible power supply manufacturer is mostly 8-10 years. The actual service life of the UPS power supply is often closely related to the power grid environment, the working room environment, and the load of equipment power。Excessive overload, poor operating environment, high temperature, and too much dust will greatly shorten the service life of the UPS uninterruptible power supply。
Maintenance and maintenance of the backup power supply in the computer room
The use of UPS power supply must pay attention to daily maintenance and maintenance, in order to give full play to its role and prolong its service life. The following is a brief introduction to the maintenance method of UPS uninterruptible power supply。
What should you consider when choosing a UPS for the first time?
Electricity is an indispensable thing for us. Because the power supply pressure is too large or the current is unstable, in order to ensure uninterrupted power supply, more and more enterprises and individuals choose uninterruptible power supply, so what should be considered when choosing a UPS power supply for the first time ?
Why we need to test battery internal resistance?
Battery Internal resistance test is currently internationally recognized as the most effective and convenient performance parameter for battery measurement. It can reflect the performance indicators such as the deterioration degree and capacity status of the battery.
Tips for battery maintenance
Due to problems in production process, transportation and installation, daily maintenance, etc,many batteries only have half the life of the manufacturer\'s design life, and some batteries fail even after 1 or 2 years,Correct inspection and maintenance is the root of the problem。
Guarantee the safety of backup system for 5G Telecom
In order to ensure the stable operation of the data center, professional battery safety monitoring products are needed to ensure the safe operation of the power supply in the computer room, and provide strong support for the growing demand for information and data storage。
Four principles of energy saving and consumption reduction of data center UPS power supply
UPS battery failure is the primary cause of data center downtime, and among UPS failure causes, lead-acid batteries are the main cause of failures. Improve the management methods and level of battery monitoring in UPS, and many failures can be greatly avoided through perfect battery monitoring.
How to Solve the Hidden Safety Hazards of UPS Power Supply System?
People\'s life and work are inseparable from the network. The reliability and stability of the power supply system that constitutes the network data room are the top priorities. UPS is set up to solve the problem of uninterrupted power supply. Do you know how to solve the hidden dangers of the UPS power supply system?
How important to increase the safety for data center
The world\'s most important base metals exchange - London Metal Exchange (LME) issued a statement:On the evening of January 10, 2022 local time, a power outage in a third-party data center ca...
What problems should be paid attention to when installing and using the battery?
VRLA batteries have long been the first choice for UPS energy storage. They have been proven in long-term applications and have lower up-front purchase costs than other battery technologies. However, due to improper battery management and maintenance, safety issues caused by batteries frequently occur. , through the perfect battery monitoring system can greatly avoid many failures.
What is UPS Battery Monitoring Technology?
UPS batteriey is the crucial part of the UPS power system, UPS battery health monitoring can keep an eye for all connected batteries in real time.
6 Areas of UPS Operation to Look Out For
Although the periodic maintenance of UPS power supply is less, but these contents are very necessary,And these maintenances must have a set of strict procedures. For example, maintenance personnel do not regularly maintain equipment as required, which is one of the important reasons for the failure of UPS power supply.