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Rail Transport Solution
Publish time : 2022-09-05
Hits : 808

Rail transport industry plays a major role in development and growth of economy. It is regarded as a hub of transport system in a nation because of its ability to travel longer distance with ease and lower costs. The rising transport demand increases the congestion in rapid transit railway(MTR) networks and thus they become more interdependent and more complex to operate.

Many rail applications are critical loads that require crical power system of suitable quality and cannot tolerate even the briefest lapse in power flow. Examples include a rail network’s emergency and safety systems; infrastructure and services for rail customers; traffic management systems; power substations; signaling and rail-related equipment for roads,such as level crossings, switches and lights.

The battery system is the most vulnerable and most failure- prone part of your backup power. We are a leading manufacturer and solution provider in the field of battery health monitoring system since 2008. 


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